Saturday, October 4, 2008

Today is rainy and windy and a good day to do a post to my blog. I just talked to my granddaughter Kayleigh, from California and that always makes my day special. Rainy or sunny! I am the proud grandma of six grandchildren. Kayleigh and Joshua live in California, Rori and Connor two granddaughters, live in Vancouver, Washington, and Ryan and Elizabeth (Elly) live in Camas, Washington. Their ages range from Rori, the oldest at 9 years to Elly who is almost 2 years old. They all are so special and unique and of course I love each one so very much.

I am married to Jerry and this year we celebrated our 45th wedding anniversary. We have 3 great adult children, one boy and two girls. So now you know a little more about myself and my family.

1 comment:

PL Anne Anderson said...

Looks Great!
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Thanks for sharing!