Monday, November 3, 2008

Love These Fall Colors

Time sure has a way of going by quickly. It again has been awhile since I wrote. It seems like we are always busy and when someone asks me what I have done I think and guess I have simply lived and enjoyed life!!
I truly have been enjoying the beautiful colors this time of year presents. We have taken several rides around, one to Hood River and over Mt Hood and another across Livingston Mt. and up the Lewis River. Both were outstanding. The leaves around our house are so colorful. Sure hate to see them fall off and become "bare".

I now have a 9 year old granddaughter. Rori turned nine on Oct. 24th. We had a party at her house for the families and yesterday we took her to Michaels shopping and out to lunch. She is becoming such a nice young lady. My, how fast they grow up!!

Birthday Idea:
Schedule a birthday shopping trip with an older grandchild. Treat him/her to lunch after a shopping trip for their gift. Specify how much you will spend and leave the selection to the child. It is a great one on one time and special time together.

Work has been busy what with training volunteers, childbirth classes for the clients, our annual fall banquet which is coming up this Thursday, Nov. 6th. Also we had a going away party for my executive director who is retiring. We sure hate to see him go!!!

Friday's are my day with Ryan and Elly (unless there are other plans). It is a special time when I see Ryan off to kindergarten on the big yellow bus, and then meet the bus when he comes home. It is fun to hear about his day on the walk from the bus to their house. Then there is the one on one time with Elly, even though soon it is her nap time. It is a joy to get her up after her nap as she is always excited to see me come into her room.

Until next time...........

1 comment:

PL Anne Anderson said...

Great stuff there grandma in the trees! nice ideas! I love the fall leaves too...